Graduation Honors

The Honors Grade Averages necessary to be awarded graduation honors in the 2024-2025 academic year are:

CollegeMagna Cum LaudeCum Laude
College of Business and Economics3.943.85
College of Fine and Performing Arts3.983.94
College of Humanities and Social Sciences3.983.93
College of Science and Engineering3.963.91
College of the Environment4.003.95
Woodring College of Education4.004.00
University Interdisciplinary Programs3.993.93

Note: For commencement purposes, the honors GPA at the end of the quarter prior to commencement is used to determine if honors will be announced. Final calculations for honors determination will be after all grades are received for the quarter the degree is awarded.


To be eligible for cum laude or magna cum laude upon graduation, review the University Academic Policies in the University Catalog for graduation honors.

Calculating Honor's GPA

The Honors Grade Average is computed using only the grades earned at Western Washington University after the quarter in which the student attains junior standing, but excluding grades in courses subsequently repeated and excluding all grades earned prior to approval of a Fresh Start grading average.

  • Review your Unofficial Transcript on Web4U.
  • Find the first quarter the Class (Cls) is JR (Junior).
  • Determine if you are eligible for consideration for honors (see above)
  • Use the GPA calculator with credits graded A-F starting with the quarter in which junior standing was attained.
    • If final grades have not been submitted for the final term, estimate grades you expect to receive in remaining coursework