Curriculum Management

About Curriculum

Curriculum (formerly known as Curriculog) is a web-based curriculum management software Western implemented in 2017. Fall 2024 will start the eighth academic year Western has used this software for course, program and other curriculum-related changes to the University Catalog. Only Western faculty and staff have access to our Curriculum site.

Access Curriculum


Laptop screen showing Curriculum software


Resources for the 2024-25 academic year

Western Curriculum Timeline

2024-25 Curriculum Timeline - Includes ACC meeting dates, curriculum deadlines, approval dates and other deadlines for the 2025-26 University Catalog.

Policies and Guidance

All relevant policies and guidance can be found on the ACC Policies and Guidance webpage on the Faculty Senate website. Policies and guidance include:

  • Policy on Credit Hours
  • Recommended Review of All Permanently Approved Online/Hybrid Courses for Compliance
  • Course Modality Timeline and Contingency Planning
  • Course Modality Definitions
  • Crosslisting
  • Syllabus Requirements and Guidance
  • Course Repeatability
  • Religious Accommodation
  • Large Scale Curriculum Changes Criteria
  • Timeline and Plan for Writing Proficiency Points
  • Requesting Degree Program Moratorium

Banner course modality report

A course catalog Banner report called SWRCMOD is available. The new report will allow academic units to look up the modality approval status for all courses. Communication on how to use the report was sent to curriculum contacts on Sept. 29, 2023.

Course schedule type definitions

Schedule type definitions - Includes definitions to assist with creation of new courses and additional information.

Fall 2024 Trainings

Weekly scheduled Curriculum trainings have been completed for the 2024-25 academic year. Contact Jamie Lawson of the Registrar's Office for any questions. Curriculum trainings are available by request and weekly trainings will resume fall quarter 2024.


Time: TBA

Date: TBA

Online (via Teams)


Time: TBA

Date: TBA

Online (via Teams)


Time: TBA

Date: TBA

Online (via Teams)


Time: TBA

Date: TBA

Online (via Teams)

Curriculum Updates

June 2024

Curriculog to have a new name: Curriculog will be re-branded under the new name Curriculum (may also be known as Curriculum Management). All references to Curriculog at Western should be renamed by fall quarter 2024.

2025-26 approval processes: The 2025-26 University Catalog approval processes will be activated in June except for the Request for New Program of Study and Request for Revision of Program of study processes. These processes will undergo extensive revisions related to accreditation review, etc.

2024-25 Curriculum Timeline: Approval dates, meeting dates and deadlines for the 2024-25 academic year will be available the week of June 17 on the Curriculum Timeline webpage.

March 2024

2024-25 curriculum deadlines have passed: The curriculum deadlines for the 2024-25 University Catalog have passed (ACC deadline meeting was March 5). All 2024-25 approval processes in Curriculog have been deactivated. The temporary course approval process and the temporary/permanent modality approval process remain active for use.

December 2023

Winter drop-in sessions added: Curriculog drop-in sessions are added for winter quarter. Sessions will be online/Teams through the month of January. Sessions may be added in early February prior to curriculum deadlines. Dates are available on the training sign-up form.

Approval process active for new certificates: New certificates have their own approval process in Curriculog titled "2024-2025 11. Request for New Certificate." Academic units that want to propose a new certificate for the 2024-25 should use this new approval process which includes more specific questions and additional approvals in the workflow.

Training Materials

An updated Canvas course is in process and training materials will move from Curriculog. Select Enroll to self enroll and access training materials.


Already enrolled? Select one of the training material links below for direct access into the Curriculog Canvas course. (Link setup is in progress)

Who Should I Contact About the Catalog and Curriculum?

Jamie Lawson | he/him/his
Management Analyst / Catalog & Curriculum 360-650-6238 Message me on Teams
University Catalog | Curriculum (formerly known as Curriculog)