Student Registration

Web4U Enhancements

Make waves with the new Web4U! The Web4U registration upgrade is a new way to prepare for registration, browse and register for courses, view registration information, and plan ahead. 

This page shall serve as a gateway to learn more about this new resource, as well as have access to necessary registration policies and responsibilities, and important resources related to registration that you can navigate at your leisure.

Our goal is to ensure you have tools at your disposal to be prepared for the upcoming term and seek answers to most registration questions within.

Navigating Web4U

Learn about the changes to web registration by visiting our guides: Browse, Prepare, Register, and Plan.


Learn about courses offered for the current and future terms.


View registration status, including holds, earned credits, and curriculum details.


Adding or updating courses has never been easier. Build course schedules as well as view active registration.


Give yourself a head start by building registration plans.

Advising Videos

You can find videos for specific areas of the new Web4U registration experience on the Academic Advising Videos page.

Registration Policies

Registration policies can be found in the University Catalog. Review these policies to learn about registration conflicts, student responsibilities, academic standing, course information, and more. You can also find more information on the Registration Policies page.

Any changes in registration must be completed by the student via web registration. Adding new courses to an existing schedule after the fifth day of the quarter requires permission of the instructor (either written or an override). A late fee of $10 per credit for adding or dropping courses after the second week will be charged.

If additional tuition is accrued, it is due immediately.

Course withdrawals can be completed via web registration. After the fifth day of the quarter, please consult the Important Dates and Deadlines for withdrawal deadline information related to tuition, fees, or transcript codes.

Follow this link for more information regarding Registration Conflict policies. These include the following:

  • Registration Holds
  • Time Conflicts
  • Prerequisites
  • Override Clearance
  • Registration Restrictions
  • Undergrad and Post Bac 500/600 Level
  • Registration Priority

Students are responsible for ensuring that they have satisfied all prerequisites, with a grade of C- or better, before registering for a given course. Although some prerequisite enforcement is driven by the Web registration system, students should not assume they are eligible to enter a course without having taken the prerequisite just because the system allows them to register for the course. A student who has registered for a course without satisfying prerequisites or obtaining permission may be required by the instructor to withdraw from the course. If an instructor requires a student to withdraw from a course because a prerequisite is not satisfied, the student is responsible for doing via Web registration. All tuition, fees and withdrawal related deadlines apply.

A registration waitlist is an electronic list of students who are waiting to register for a filled course. Waitlisting is available for undergraduate courses for all quarters. Students may sign up for this when they attempt to register for a section that has reached its capacity. The first student on the waitlist is notified via email when a space becomes available. The student then has 24-hours to register for the section. If the student does not register for the section within the 24-hour time frame, they will be dropped from the waitlist for that section and the next student on the list will be notified. NOTE: During the first week of the term, the 24-hour time frame is reduced to 12 hours.

Academic departments are responsible for the maintenance of waitlists for courses that have reached capacity. For questions regarding specific waitlisting policies, please contact the academic department.

Follow this link for more specific information about Waitlisting.

The following scholarship standards apply to each academic division of Western Washington University, except Fairhaven College. Students should note that transfer between academic divisions is restricted in cases of low scholarship

Low - and high - scholarship standings are not changed as a result of the removal of incomplete (K) grades and late grades received in correspondence courses.

Follow this link for more specific information about Academic Standing.

Some courses are approved to be repeated for credit. Such approval is included with the course description in the Repeating a Course in the University Catalog. If a course not designated as repeatable for credit is re-taken, the following will apply:

  • Students may not repeat any previously passed course more than once.
  • Credit will be awarded only once for a repeated course.
  • The last grade earned will be used in the computation of the cumulative and major grade point averages.
  • All grades will remain on the student’s official record.
  • A course cannot be repeated to change the student’s grade point average after a baccalaureate degree has been awarded.
  • Students wishing to repeat a class in which they already received a P, S, or C- or better grade may not register for the class until Phase III of registration. Students, in this circumstance, who register for a repeated course prior to Phase III may be required to drop the course by the academic department or Registrar’s Office. The repeat registration for English composition prior to Phase III requires the written permission of the chair of the department.

This policy applies to undergraduate students. Please note that departments may require Graduate students to repeat a course in order to attain an acceptable level of competence. Graduate students should review the Scholarship Standards under the Graduate School section of the catalog.

For more information, please take a look at our Course Repeat Frequently Asked Questions.

Following this link for more information regarding Student Responsibility policies. These include the following:

  • Address Change
  • Class Attendance
  • Directory Information / Confidentiality
  • Measles Immunization Requirement
  • Nonpayment penalty
  • Writing Proficiency Requirements

Follow this link for more information regarding Course Information policies. These include the following:

  • Advanced Placement and Course Challenge
  • Auditing
  • Course Fees
  • Course Numbering
  • Course Reference Numbers
  • Directed Independent Study
  • Pass/No Pass Grading Option
  • Writing Proficiency Requirements
  • First-Year 0–44 credits
  • Sophomore 45–89 credits
  • Junior 90–134 credits
  • Senior 135 or more credits

Follow this link for more information about credit loads and full-time status.