Registration Waitlisting
A registration waitlist is an electronic list of students who are waiting to register for a filled course. Waitlisting is available for undergraduate courses for all quarters. Students may sign up for this when they attempt to register for a section that has reached its capacity. The first student on the waitlist is notified via email when a space becomes available. The student then has 24-hours to register for the section. If the student does not register for the section within the 24-hour time frame, they will be dropped from the waitlist for that section and the next student on the list will be notified. NOTE: During the first week of the term, the 24-hour time frame is reduced to 12 hours.
Academic departments are responsible for the maintenance of waitlists for courses that have reached capacity. For questions regarding specific waitlisting policies, please contact the academic department.
Waitlisting FAQ
You may get on a registration waitlist when you attempt to register for a section that is full. When you receive a Registration Add Error stating ‘Closed – Waitlist Available,’ you may select ‘WAITLIST REQUEST’ from the drop down menu under Action and then click Submit Changes. The class for which you just signed up on the waitlist should now appear on your Current Schedule as a WAITLIST REQUEST.
Waitlisting for courses will conclude at the end of Phase III Registration. Students not enrolled in the class prior to the end of web registration will not be allowed into a course without a current override.
Contact the academic department with questions about their waitlist policy.
Academic departments have the authority to manage their waitlists based on their published waitlist policy. Your waitlist position can be viewed by going to your Web4u account. Waitlist position will not be visible when waitlists have been turned off during new student registration periods.
An email will be sent to your WWU email account, notifying you there is a space available. If you’ve forwarded your email, it will be forwarded to that email address. You also have the option of enabling text messaging for waitlist notifications. To do this, go to Web4U, click Students > Text Messaging for Waitlist Requests.
You are responsible to routinely check your email. If you miss the deadline, you must re-add yourself to the waitlist if you still wish to register for the course/section. No exceptions will be made to this rule.
You will have until the deadline noted on the email to register for the section, which is typically 24 hours from the time the email was sent. The exception is during the first week of class when the deadline is reduced to 12 hours from when the email was sent. If you do not register within that time frame, you will be dropped from the registration waitlist. If you miss your registration deadline but still wish to register for the class, you may sign up for the registration waitlist again.
You are responsible to routinely check your email. If you miss the deadline, you must re-add yourself to the waitlist if you still wish to register for the course/section. No exceptions will be made to this rule.
In Web4U, navigate to Registration > Register for Classes. If you are eligible to register for this class the option **Web Registered** will be displayed, select this option and click submit changes.
Additional Waitlist Information
At no time will you automatically be dropped from any waitlist. You can view all registered and waitlisted courses under your Web4U Student Detail Schedule or Add/Drop Classes Current Schedule.
You may sign up for as many registration waitlists as you choose. There is no limit. However we strongly urge you to remove yourself from all waitlists once your registration has been finalized so that others may have an opportunity to register for available courses in a timely manner.
The ‘C’ means the section has reached its enrollment capacity. You may sign up for the waitlist by clicking on ‘Add to Worksheet’ at the bottom of the page, entering the CRN for the section on your Registration Worksheet and then Submit Changes. You will receive a Registration Add Error that the class is full. You may then select the Waitlist action and Submit again. The class for which you just signed up on the waitlist should now appear on your Current Schedule as a WAITLIST REQUEST.
You will be able to recognize courses as Waitlist eligible by the ‘WL’ column, it will be populated with a ‘WL’ designation.
Green numbers indicate open seats, while red numbers indicate an active Waitlist.
Prerequisites and restrictions are checked before you are allowed to join a waitlist, however possible time conflicts with the desired course, as well as link checking (for lecture/labs), are not checked, to allow for waitlist flexibility.
Yes. The email forwarding method sometimes results in missed messages because they went into your Junk Mail folder. The direct opt-in method does not have this issue. If you have both methods enabled, you will receive two text messages for each notification.
No, you must drop yourself to be removed from any registration waitlist.
Waitlisting is not available on Independent Study, Internships, Practica, Thesis, etc.
You must register for both the lecture and a lab/discussion at the same time. If a full lab/discussion fits your schedule better, you may sign up for the waitlist for the full lab/discussion. When you are notified that a space is available in your preferred lab/discussion, you may ‘exchange’ it (drop the one you are registered for and add the one you want at the same time) with the lab/discussion you are already registered for.
No, you may only be on the waitlist for a CRN once at any point in time. If you are dropped from the waitlist or drop yourself from the waitlist, you may sign up for the waitlist again.
No. Only courses you are actually registered in show up on Canvas, therefore waitlisted courses will not show up on the ‘My Courses’ channel.