Student Forms
Form Name and Link | General Information |
Address/Cell Phone Change Form | Update your permanent, mailing, or diploma address, and/or cell phone number. |
Alternative Writing Proficiency (WP) Course Agreement | Arrange an alternative WP requirement if unable to satisfy a regularly scheduled one. |
Application for Additional Major/Minor | Apply for an additional major or minor after a WWU degree has been awarded. |
Certificate Completion Application | Not for Teaching Certificates. |
Certificate Replacement Form | Not for Teaching Certificates. |
Degree Application | Review your Degree Works and confirm your major/minor declarations are accurate. Contact your department(s) for evaluation a month prior to the deadline(s). |
Degree Evaluation Update Request | Complete this if there is additional coursework that needs to be added to your degree evaluation. |
Degree Requirements Review | Former WWU students - records will be reviewed by a Degree Evaluator and by the major/minor department to assess remaining requirements. |
Diploma Replacement Form | Replacement diplomas are $45. Use this form for mail-in orders only. See our Diploma page for online ordering. |
Directed Independent Study Form | Gain approval for 300- and 400-level Directed Independent Study (ISP) courses. Visit here for Graduate School ISPs. |
Gender Marker Change Request | Change the gender marker on an academic record. |
General Petition | Request an exception to University policies, procedures, and deadlines. Must have documented evidence of University error or misinformation. |
Grading Mode Change Request Form | Review the Pass/No Pass Grading Policies. Refer to the Important Dates & Deadlines Calendar for current term deadline. |
Incomplete (K) Grade Contract | Work with a course instructor to determine the terms of this contract. |
Name Change Request Form | Request to have student record reflect a legal name change. |
Preferred/Lived First Name Form | Add or update your lived first name. |
School Withdrawal Form | Use this form to withdraw from the current term only. Form not necessary for future terms. Refer to the Important Dates & Deadlines Calendar for current term deadline. |
Student Academic Declaration & Change Form | Use this form for Majors, Minors, and Certificates. Students must meet declaration requirements prior to completing form. Submit to department for review. |
Transcript Request | For hard-copy requests only. Official transcripts can be ordered online via Parchment and cost $15. |
Tuition Waiver - Age 60 and Older | Form includes general regulations, registration steps, as well as information about auditing courses. |
Tuition Waiver - State Employee | For non-WWU employees. |
Visiting (Non-Matriculated) Student Form | Visiting (non-matriculated) student application for enrollment into future term courses. |