Degree Works for Students

About Degree Works

Degree Works is an academic planning and degree progress tool that reflects your academic progress towards the completion of your program of study at Western. Degree Works is designed to help you track degree progress and know which courses to take to plan your path to graduation.

Degree Works is designed to aid and facilitate academic advising, but is not intended to replace face-to-face advising sessions.

Access Degree Works

Degree Works is available on myWestern or in Web4U under the Students -> Students Records section.


  • Provides a clear picture of program requirements to help you navigate the most effective path to graduation.
  • Uses checklists to easily monitor your academic progress.
  • Helps plan class schedules by showing what courses and requirements are still needed.
  • Links to view course schedules, prerequisites and seat availability without changing programs.
  • Responsive dashboard provides accessible technology to meet the needs of students.
  • Mobile-friendly interface allows students and faculty/staff to review student information from any device.


Course Information

Students are able click on a course still needed on their worksheet and a window will open listing the course description, prerequisites, and sections of that course that are being offered in an upcoming quarter. The student is able to see the CRN for each section, open seats in real-time, and the days and times the course is being offered.

What If

The What If feature allows students to see how changing their major or minor will impact their progress to degree completion, as well as see how planned future classes would apply to degree requirements. 

GPA Calculators

Degree Works offers three different GPA calculators: Graduation, Term, and Advice. The calculators help students set realistic goals at the beginning of the quarter, or provide a path for achieving honors, avoiding probation, or meeting personal academic goals. 

Mobile Friendly

Use any device to track your academic progress, available 24/7/365.

Guides for Students Using Degree Works

Understanding the Worksheet

Learn how to interpret the Degree Works worksheet (or "audit").

What If

Understand the What If feature in Degree Works to help students plan ahead for courses and curriculum changes for major/minor/certificates.

GPA Calculators

Learn about the GPA calculators built into Degree Works.


Learn more about the Plans feature in Degree Works.

Student Responsibility

As a degree seeking student at WWU, you are responsible for knowing the requirements for your degree program and making sure that you are taking the courses your program requires for graduation. Beginning with your first quarter, you should familiarize yourself with the online Degree Works worksheet as your degree requirements are listed on it. Prior to registration, you should review your worksheet to review outstanding requirements and monitor academic progress.

Please note: Post-baccalaureate transfer students may use Degree Works to evaluate progress towards completing their major, minor, or certificate. Degree requirements including GUR, Writing Proficiency, and total credits required for your degree may not be accurately presented in Degree Works for post-baccalaureate transfer students. Please refer to the Post-Baccalaureate Degree Requirements for Transfer Students under WWU Catalog - Graduation Requirements for a comprehensive list of degree requirements. If you have questions regarding your degree requirements, including GUR, Writing Proficiency, and total credits, please contact the Academic Advising & Student Achievement Center.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Who Should I Contact About Degree Works?

Degree Works Support | Registrar's Office