Summer Term Withdrawal Policies

Important Dates & Deadlines

Visit the Registrar's Office Important Dates & Deadlines Calendar (select Summer quarter) to review dates that correspond to your schedule.

Summer Session Withdrawal Policies

Dropping a Course Six- or Nine-Week

Dropping a course before midnight, June 30 is considered to be a change of initial registration and the last day to drop a class without incurring a “W” grade on an official transcript (“XM” code appears on unofficial academic history only). Discontinued attendance without an official withdrawal will result in a failing grade (F or Z). You are still responsible however, for the associated tuition and fees (see Student Business Office's Refund Policies). 

Dean’s Withdrawal

The purpose of the Dean’s Withdrawal is to assist a student who is unable to complete the quarter or a class due to compelling circumstances beyond their control or due to a significant hardship (such as incapacitating illness or injury). You can download the petition by visiting the Student Life Office website. You will need to contact Financial Aid (if you receive financial aid) to inquire about how an approved Dean’s Withdrawal will affect your current and future financial aid. The impact on student financial aid may include the mandatory repayment of already disbursed funds. 

Impact of Withdrawal on Federal Student Aid

When you withdraw, there may be significant impacts to your financial aid eligibility for the current and future quarters. Please see Financial Aid Withdrawing from Western(opens in new tab)open_in_new for detailed information. You are strongly encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office at (360) 650-3470 or and the Student Business Office at (360) 650-2865 or prior to withdrawing.